The tower cranes in the 3000 Series, the largest in Comansa’s flat-top range, were fundamentally designed for public construction, mining and heavy industry projects. The maximum loads of the tower cranes in the series range between 70 550 and 198 410 lb.

In designing them, Comansa stayed true to its flat-top philosophy and designed a tower crane that is easy to assemble and transport. To do so it developed an innovative jib section design where the top can be folded and unfolded to be transported in open-top containers. The 4-metre-wide tower sections also feature a special Comansa design to make them easier to assemble and transport.

The Flat-top tower cranes in the 3000 Series come standard equipped with the comfortable CUBE XL cab and Comansa’s digital indicator system, which gives the operator all the information needed to have optimal control of the crane.

Comansa’s 3000 Series includes the following tower crane models:



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