Flat-Top Tower Cranes

A flat-top tower crane is characterized by having a compact head and a mobile cabin.

Comansa offers a full range of flat-top tower cranes. Their design without pendant lines, taken from the Linden technology, makes the flat-top tower cranes easier to assemble and results in major savings, especially on projects that have several cranes working at the same time.

Comansa’s modular system of flat-top tower cranes can be configured in a wide variety of ways to perfectly adapt to the needs of each project. Moreover, certain jib and counter-jib components can be assembled on different models of the same flat-top tower crane series for added versatility and savings in terms of rental fleets.

Comansa’s flat-top tower cranes come standard equipped with several systems to improve performance, such as the PowerLift system, which allows to improve the load chart by 10%, always without exceeding the rated load.

Features of flat-top tower cranes

  • Strapless design: ease, speed and safety assembly
  • Intelligent design: saves in terms of material and assembly times in projects with several overlapping cranes
  • Long useful life: high-quality, long-lasting materials
  • Great versatility: numerous crane configurations
  • Modular design: flat-top crane assemblies that best suit the conditions of each project
  • Optimized investment: different flat-top cranes share the same structural component
  • Double trolley: optimizes the load diagram for flat-top cranes
  • Power lift system: improves the load diagram by 10%
  • CUBE cab: spacious and comfortable interior with optimal view of the load and the work area

Comansa’s range of flat-top tower cranes includes the following series:

500 Series

1100 Series

1600 Series

2100 Series

3000 Series

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